Wednesday, October 15, 2008

"Hour of Power" for the Women of God

What's up saints... This is ya boy "a (lowly) sinner saved by grace"... We haven't gotten at each other in a minute, but I come bearing good news... Our sister, Mother Sozo (Joleezy aka Jolina) will be starting a "Hour of Power" solely for single women.

It'll be every Tuesday starting on November 4th (remember to vote 1st), from 9 pm - 10 pm. The number is the same as the Solus Christus Hour. If you don't have it, it's 712-432-0600 and the pin number is: 836736#

Every 1st Tuesdays of the month is dedicated to Single Mothers. Pick up, "Fight Like A Girl, The Power Of Being A Woman." from Ya'll will be reading it together.

Click on to get your copy.

Hurry and get a copy because ya'll will be discussing the 1st Chapter on November 1.