Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Reading for the week ending on Thursday, November 13.
Here is the url link to Charles Spurgeon's sermon on the "The Immutability of God." You need to be able to download a pdf file which means that you need Adobe on your computer. If you don't have the ability to dowload the sermon, check out http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html and download Adobe for free.
Read it through and jot down your thoughts so we can chop it up next Solus Christus Hour on Thursday, Novemeber 13.
Here's the sermon... http://www.spurgeongems.org/vols1-3/chs1.pdf
Here is the url link to Charles Spurgeon's sermon on the "The Immutability of God." You need to be able to download a pdf file which means that you need Adobe on your computer. If you don't have the ability to dowload the sermon, check out http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html and download Adobe for free.
Read it through and jot down your thoughts so we can chop it up next Solus Christus Hour on Thursday, Novemeber 13.
Here's the sermon... http://www.spurgeongems.org/vols1-3/chs1.pdf
How can I witness to a person who thinks the gospel is just my opinion? - By John Piper
I would do my best to direct people first to the Bible and say, "Now whether you believe the Bible or not, you need to know that I'm not making these things up. They are here."
This is why I try to preach in an expository way and point people to the exact words of Scripture: because Scripture is amazing. The Bible has a kind of unique authority. It is a sword that penetrates to the division of soul and spirit, bone and marrow. It's not like John Piper's words. It has its own divine claim.
So I want to direct people to it and say, "OK, in your mind what I'm saying may just be my opinion, but at least see here where I'm getting it from the Bible." And then, secondly, as a stage beneath that I would say, "In order to give the Bible credence I would just invite you to consider the portrait of Jesus as it is laid out in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and the rest of the New Testament. And see whether or not your encounter with Jesus Christ will vindicate him as true and a faithful witness to these things in your life."
But if they won't go there, that is, to look at the Bible and to look at Jesus with me, then all I have left to do for them is to pray for them as they leave.''
"...the most excellent study for expanding the soul is the science of Christ and Him crucified and the knowledge of the Godhead in the glorious Trinity. Nothing will so enlarge the intellect, nothing so magnify the whole soul of man as a devout, earnest, continued investigation of the great subject of the Deity." - Charles Spurgeon
This is why I try to preach in an expository way and point people to the exact words of Scripture: because Scripture is amazing. The Bible has a kind of unique authority. It is a sword that penetrates to the division of soul and spirit, bone and marrow. It's not like John Piper's words. It has its own divine claim.
So I want to direct people to it and say, "OK, in your mind what I'm saying may just be my opinion, but at least see here where I'm getting it from the Bible." And then, secondly, as a stage beneath that I would say, "In order to give the Bible credence I would just invite you to consider the portrait of Jesus as it is laid out in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, and the rest of the New Testament. And see whether or not your encounter with Jesus Christ will vindicate him as true and a faithful witness to these things in your life."
But if they won't go there, that is, to look at the Bible and to look at Jesus with me, then all I have left to do for them is to pray for them as they leave.''
"...the most excellent study for expanding the soul is the science of Christ and Him crucified and the knowledge of the Godhead in the glorious Trinity. Nothing will so enlarge the intellect, nothing so magnify the whole soul of man as a devout, earnest, continued investigation of the great subject of the Deity." - Charles Spurgeon
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
"Hour of Power" for the Women of God
What's up saints... This is ya boy "a (lowly) sinner saved by grace"... We haven't gotten at each other in a minute, but I come bearing good news... Our sister, Mother Sozo (Joleezy aka Jolina) will be starting a "Hour of Power" solely for single women.
It'll be every Tuesday starting on November 4th (remember to vote 1st), from 9 pm - 10 pm. The number is the same as the Solus Christus Hour. If you don't have it, it's 712-432-0600 and the pin number is: 836736#
Every 1st Tuesdays of the month is dedicated to Single Mothers. Pick up, "Fight Like A Girl, The Power Of Being A Woman." from amazon.com... Ya'll will be reading it together.
Click on http://www.amazon.com/Fight-Like-Girl-Power-Being/dp/0446577588 to get your copy.
Hurry and get a copy because ya'll will be discussing the 1st Chapter on November 1.
It'll be every Tuesday starting on November 4th (remember to vote 1st), from 9 pm - 10 pm. The number is the same as the Solus Christus Hour. If you don't have it, it's 712-432-0600 and the pin number is: 836736#
Every 1st Tuesdays of the month is dedicated to Single Mothers. Pick up, "Fight Like A Girl, The Power Of Being A Woman." from amazon.com... Ya'll will be reading it together.
Click on http://www.amazon.com/Fight-Like-Girl-Power-Being/dp/0446577588 to get your copy.
Hurry and get a copy because ya'll will be discussing the 1st Chapter on November 1.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Apostles' Creed
To the Believers in the one true LIVING GOD, Jesus Christ,
Here is the Apostles' Creed. It's a testimony to our faith as Christians. Learn and memorize it. I'm going to throw some additional info up pertaining to the historical importance of the Creed soon... Until then, drink deep from the fountain of truth that has stood the test of time over and against many heresies!!!
The Apostles' Creed
I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth. And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost; born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried. He descended into hell. The third day He rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father almighty. From thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the holy universal Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting. Amen.
Solus Christus!!!
Here is the Apostles' Creed. It's a testimony to our faith as Christians. Learn and memorize it. I'm going to throw some additional info up pertaining to the historical importance of the Creed soon... Until then, drink deep from the fountain of truth that has stood the test of time over and against many heresies!!!
The Apostles' Creed
I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth. And in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost; born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried. He descended into hell. The third day He rose again from the dead. He ascended into heaven, and sitteth on the right hand of God the Father almighty. From thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the holy universal Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting. Amen.
Solus Christus!!!
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Something for you to chew on from our friend Spurgeon...
"If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit."-Galatians 5:25
The two most important things in our holy religion are the life of faith and the walk of faith. He who shall rightly understand these is not far from being a master in experimental theology, for they are vital points to a Christian. You will never find true faith unattended by true godliness; on the other hand, you will never discover a truly holy life which has not for its root a living faith upon the righteousness of Christ. Woe unto those who seek after the one without the other! There are some who cultivate faith and forget holiness; these may be very high in orthodoxy, but they shall be very deep in condemnation, for they hold the truth in unrighteousness; and there are others who have strained after holiness of life, but have denied the faith, like the Pharisees of old, of whom the Master said, they were "whitewashed sepulchres." We must have faith, for this is the foundation; we must have holiness of life, for this is the superstructure. Of what service is the mere foundation of a building to a man in the day of tempest? Can he hide himself therein? He wants a house to cover him, as well as a foundation for that house. Even so we need the superstructure of spiritual life if we would have comfort in the day of doubt. But seek not a holy life without faith, for that would be to erect a house which can afford no permanent shelter, because it has no foundation on a rock. Let faith and life be put together, and, like the two abutments of an arch, they will make our piety enduring. Like light and heat streaming from the same sun, they are alike full of blessing. Like the two pillars of the temple, they are for glory and for beauty. They are two streams from the fountain of grace; two lamps lit with holy fire; two olive trees watered by heavenly care. O Lord, give us this day life within, and it will reveal itself without to Thy glory.
The two most important things in our holy religion are the life of faith and the walk of faith. He who shall rightly understand these is not far from being a master in experimental theology, for they are vital points to a Christian. You will never find true faith unattended by true godliness; on the other hand, you will never discover a truly holy life which has not for its root a living faith upon the righteousness of Christ. Woe unto those who seek after the one without the other! There are some who cultivate faith and forget holiness; these may be very high in orthodoxy, but they shall be very deep in condemnation, for they hold the truth in unrighteousness; and there are others who have strained after holiness of life, but have denied the faith, like the Pharisees of old, of whom the Master said, they were "whitewashed sepulchres." We must have faith, for this is the foundation; we must have holiness of life, for this is the superstructure. Of what service is the mere foundation of a building to a man in the day of tempest? Can he hide himself therein? He wants a house to cover him, as well as a foundation for that house. Even so we need the superstructure of spiritual life if we would have comfort in the day of doubt. But seek not a holy life without faith, for that would be to erect a house which can afford no permanent shelter, because it has no foundation on a rock. Let faith and life be put together, and, like the two abutments of an arch, they will make our piety enduring. Like light and heat streaming from the same sun, they are alike full of blessing. Like the two pillars of the temple, they are for glory and for beauty. They are two streams from the fountain of grace; two lamps lit with holy fire; two olive trees watered by heavenly care. O Lord, give us this day life within, and it will reveal itself without to Thy glory.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Relationships--Pitfalls, Red Flags & God's Plan Pt. 2
What's up everyone? Ight here are the notes from last Friday's (September 5) CrossFire! Fellowship. Actually, before we get into that, let me tell you what's going on calendar wise concerning CrossFire! Young Adult Ministry:
* Every Tuesday and Friday mornings we pray at 5:30 am. You read right, 5:30 AM... Call 916-558-7514, pin number 2125968#. On Fridays we have our Uptown Express Bible Study starting at 6 am. Join us!!!
* Every Thursday night The Solus Christus Hour is poppin. It's a bible study done via telephone. It starts promptly at 9 pm and ends exactly at 10 pm. Read the description found on the front page of the blog to find out what The Solus Christus Hour is. Use the same number and pin as the prayer line.
* Every Friday nite CrossFire! Young Adult Ministry meets!!! Join young adults from across NJ for food, fun, and unmatchable fellowship!!! The location is 277 Madison Ave, Perth Amboy, NJ. It's from 9 to 12 am. Be on time so you don't miss the praise and worship session...
* September 26 CrossFire is having a movie night. Don't forget your popcorn!!! More details to follow.
Without further ado, the last CrossFire! session was about Pitfalls, Red Flags, & God's Plan Pt.2. (Reference the blog titled: "God's Purpose for Marriage" for notes on the 1st part of our discussion. You can find it by clicking in the blog archive section on the main page under the month of September.) We started Pt.2 of our discussion asking each other why we settle for less in relationships. Here are some of the comments that we made:
* Bad Association
* Poor Examples
* Lack of Revelation
* Fear / Fear of leaving
* Impatience
* Poor Self Image
* Desperation
* Lust
* Being Bored
* Faithlessness
* Peer Pressure
* Selfishness
* Finances
* Being naive
* Entertainment
* To have someone as a trophy
* Control or lack thereof
* Convenience
* Familiarity
* Unresolved Issues / Soul ties
* No Deep relationships
Are there any other reasons you can think of? Please feel free to post your comments.
Look at each one of above reasons as to why we sometimes settle for less in relationships. None of them come from the Word of God. What does the Lord say thru the Scriptures about your self esteem and impatience for example? Well, I'm glad you asked. Genesis 1:27 says we are all made in the image of God and Psalm 27:14 says to wait upon the Lord and be of good courage. These scriptures speak directly to the challenge of battling low self-esteem and the sin of impatience.
We have to constantly remind ourselves what the Word says about us and our situations. C.H. Mahaney said, "our troubled souls need the continuous addressing of the truth of the Gospel." Talk to your self on the daily and bring back to memory all that God has said thru the Scriptures about you!!! This is what you do... find those scriptures that speak about your situation(s), repeat them to yourself, and repeat them to God. Remind God what He says concerning whatever you're going thru.
You need to know how the enemy draws you away so you can effectively combat him. Know your enemy (the devil, and sometimes yourself) and know how to defeat him. God always gives us a way out of bad situations. We not only have a high priest who sympathizes with us in our weaknesses, He is able to keep us from falling. (Hebrews 4:14, Jude 24) Whether or not you take it is up to you. Timothy Brindle said, "clinging to God's promises in His Word within the heat of temptation (and especially prior to temptation, in order to prevent it) is how we put to death the deeds of the flesh by the Spirit (Romans 8:13). The point I'm trying to make is, look at that laundry list above... and know that there are Scriptures that combat and destroy each one.
Ight, moving forward we looked at the story of Michal and David in 2 Samuel 6:14-23. If you don't have a bible in front of you go to www.biblegateway.com and read the verses...
To give you the short version of the story, David is returning to his city with the Arc of the Lord. He is dancing unto the Lord and his wife (Michal) sees him from her window and she begins to feel some type of way about the situation. From examining the story we came up with the following thoughts:
* How was Michal's relationship with God?
* Did she fall in love with David or his image?
* Michal had some unresolved issues with her father that in turn effected how she treated David. In David, she was reminded of some characteristics of her father.
* Studying the history of David and Michal, on another occasion she threw an idol in the bed to trick the soldiers from killing David. Why did she have idols in her environment? Was she an idol worshiper? Again, how was Michal's relationship with God?
* Michal's daddy never praised the Lord. When she saw the way David was gettin' it in she was unfamiliar with it.
* Looking at the scripture, it says she was "looking down towards David." Her position and attitude was off. She probably saw the girls dancing before David and she didn't like that.
What's important to know is that David was on his way to bless her and his house. He was a king and he was bringing a kings type of gift to his wife and she responded in way that messed David up. Recognizing that, we asked the brothers in the room how it feels when your wife/girlfriend doesn't support you. We thought how David must have felt when he returned home to bless his wife only to find her acting indifferently towards him and his accomplishments.
Here's what the brothers said:
* David must have felt resentment towards his wife.
* It damaged his pride
* You feel like less of a man when your help mate isn't helping.
* Disrespected
* She's hating
* She acting stanq (yes, that's a Q at the end of the word.)
* It tears at the core of your being when the support isn't there.
At this point Min. Ros began to encourage the women in the room to "turn your mouths over to the Holy Spirit." She mentioned that there is a way to build a man up with your mouth and there's a way to tear him down.
In conclusion, we discussed pin pointing Red Flags. If you see any of these flags in your situation know that God is trying to warn you. God doesn't give you a warning only for you to rationalize it. He's trying to help you. Here are the red flags that you should be very mindful to watch out when you are getting to know someone:
* They have no apparent relationship with God. They call him "the man upstairs." Don't be beat... His name is Jesus and if he/she can't even call His name it's a RED FLAG.
* If he/she ain't SOZO... it's a NO NO. Sozo is the Greek word for salvation.
* They say, "I'm a private person." This may mean that they can't and won't be accountable to you or spiritual leadership.
* They say, "I have unfinished business." Watch out for people who have baggage with them. They need to handle their previous situations correctly before you can get involved with them.
* No discussion about future intentions. From the outset make everything clear. COMMUNICATION... (Shout to Min. Deen on how he came thru when Min. Ros asked him what his intentions were the first time they went out!!!)
* Vaguenes. Are you afraid to ask questions or are they not willing to answer them??? RED FLAG!!!
* No involvment in church. Is he/she just a cultural Christian? Do they have a relationship with the Church (the physical building) or the rock on which that Church stand on - namely JESUS CHRIST!!! (I'm getting excited!!!)
* Lack of spiritual mentors. This is a major red flag. This person lacks in accountability and that's not a good look.
* Having no same sex relationships. Is this person always hanging with people of the same gender? Do they have healthy relationship with their brothers and sisters in the Lord?
* Bad relationship with the opposite sex parent. How does he treat his mother and how does she treat her father? If he disrespects his own mother, how do you think he'll treat you in 10 years. How does she act towards her father?
* Neediness / Clinging onto. This may be a sign of control.
* Bad break ups. Did this person correctly bring closure to his/her previous situations? We can give some good advice on how to correctly bring closure to your previous situations.
As you can see we covered a lot of ground. Please post your comments, concerns, agreements, disagreements, questions, etc. so we can help each other.
Friday, September 12, we'll pick up with the Pitfalls.
Hope to see you all there...
What's up everyone? Ight here are the notes from last Friday's (September 5) CrossFire! Fellowship. Actually, before we get into that, let me tell you what's going on calendar wise concerning CrossFire! Young Adult Ministry:
* Every Tuesday and Friday mornings we pray at 5:30 am. You read right, 5:30 AM... Call 916-558-7514, pin number 2125968#. On Fridays we have our Uptown Express Bible Study starting at 6 am. Join us!!!
* Every Thursday night The Solus Christus Hour is poppin. It's a bible study done via telephone. It starts promptly at 9 pm and ends exactly at 10 pm. Read the description found on the front page of the blog to find out what The Solus Christus Hour is. Use the same number and pin as the prayer line.
* Every Friday nite CrossFire! Young Adult Ministry meets!!! Join young adults from across NJ for food, fun, and unmatchable fellowship!!! The location is 277 Madison Ave, Perth Amboy, NJ. It's from 9 to 12 am. Be on time so you don't miss the praise and worship session...
* September 26 CrossFire is having a movie night. Don't forget your popcorn!!! More details to follow.
Without further ado, the last CrossFire! session was about Pitfalls, Red Flags, & God's Plan Pt.2. (Reference the blog titled: "God's Purpose for Marriage" for notes on the 1st part of our discussion. You can find it by clicking in the blog archive section on the main page under the month of September.) We started Pt.2 of our discussion asking each other why we settle for less in relationships. Here are some of the comments that we made:
* Bad Association
* Poor Examples
* Lack of Revelation
* Fear / Fear of leaving
* Impatience
* Poor Self Image
* Desperation
* Lust
* Being Bored
* Faithlessness
* Peer Pressure
* Selfishness
* Finances
* Being naive
* Entertainment
* To have someone as a trophy
* Control or lack thereof
* Convenience
* Familiarity
* Unresolved Issues / Soul ties
* No Deep relationships
Are there any other reasons you can think of? Please feel free to post your comments.
Look at each one of above reasons as to why we sometimes settle for less in relationships. None of them come from the Word of God. What does the Lord say thru the Scriptures about your self esteem and impatience for example? Well, I'm glad you asked. Genesis 1:27 says we are all made in the image of God and Psalm 27:14 says to wait upon the Lord and be of good courage. These scriptures speak directly to the challenge of battling low self-esteem and the sin of impatience.
We have to constantly remind ourselves what the Word says about us and our situations. C.H. Mahaney said, "our troubled souls need the continuous addressing of the truth of the Gospel." Talk to your self on the daily and bring back to memory all that God has said thru the Scriptures about you!!! This is what you do... find those scriptures that speak about your situation(s), repeat them to yourself, and repeat them to God. Remind God what He says concerning whatever you're going thru.
You need to know how the enemy draws you away so you can effectively combat him. Know your enemy (the devil, and sometimes yourself) and know how to defeat him. God always gives us a way out of bad situations. We not only have a high priest who sympathizes with us in our weaknesses, He is able to keep us from falling. (Hebrews 4:14, Jude 24) Whether or not you take it is up to you. Timothy Brindle said, "clinging to God's promises in His Word within the heat of temptation (and especially prior to temptation, in order to prevent it) is how we put to death the deeds of the flesh by the Spirit (Romans 8:13). The point I'm trying to make is, look at that laundry list above... and know that there are Scriptures that combat and destroy each one.
Ight, moving forward we looked at the story of Michal and David in 2 Samuel 6:14-23. If you don't have a bible in front of you go to www.biblegateway.com and read the verses...
To give you the short version of the story, David is returning to his city with the Arc of the Lord. He is dancing unto the Lord and his wife (Michal) sees him from her window and she begins to feel some type of way about the situation. From examining the story we came up with the following thoughts:
* How was Michal's relationship with God?
* Did she fall in love with David or his image?
* Michal had some unresolved issues with her father that in turn effected how she treated David. In David, she was reminded of some characteristics of her father.
* Studying the history of David and Michal, on another occasion she threw an idol in the bed to trick the soldiers from killing David. Why did she have idols in her environment? Was she an idol worshiper? Again, how was Michal's relationship with God?
* Michal's daddy never praised the Lord. When she saw the way David was gettin' it in she was unfamiliar with it.
* Looking at the scripture, it says she was "looking down towards David." Her position and attitude was off. She probably saw the girls dancing before David and she didn't like that.
What's important to know is that David was on his way to bless her and his house. He was a king and he was bringing a kings type of gift to his wife and she responded in way that messed David up. Recognizing that, we asked the brothers in the room how it feels when your wife/girlfriend doesn't support you. We thought how David must have felt when he returned home to bless his wife only to find her acting indifferently towards him and his accomplishments.
Here's what the brothers said:
* David must have felt resentment towards his wife.
* It damaged his pride
* You feel like less of a man when your help mate isn't helping.
* Disrespected
* She's hating
* She acting stanq (yes, that's a Q at the end of the word.)
* It tears at the core of your being when the support isn't there.
At this point Min. Ros began to encourage the women in the room to "turn your mouths over to the Holy Spirit." She mentioned that there is a way to build a man up with your mouth and there's a way to tear him down.
In conclusion, we discussed pin pointing Red Flags. If you see any of these flags in your situation know that God is trying to warn you. God doesn't give you a warning only for you to rationalize it. He's trying to help you. Here are the red flags that you should be very mindful to watch out when you are getting to know someone:
* They have no apparent relationship with God. They call him "the man upstairs." Don't be beat... His name is Jesus and if he/she can't even call His name it's a RED FLAG.
* If he/she ain't SOZO... it's a NO NO. Sozo is the Greek word for salvation.
* They say, "I'm a private person." This may mean that they can't and won't be accountable to you or spiritual leadership.
* They say, "I have unfinished business." Watch out for people who have baggage with them. They need to handle their previous situations correctly before you can get involved with them.
* No discussion about future intentions. From the outset make everything clear. COMMUNICATION... (Shout to Min. Deen on how he came thru when Min. Ros asked him what his intentions were the first time they went out!!!)
* Vaguenes. Are you afraid to ask questions or are they not willing to answer them??? RED FLAG!!!
* No involvment in church. Is he/she just a cultural Christian? Do they have a relationship with the Church (the physical building) or the rock on which that Church stand on - namely JESUS CHRIST!!! (I'm getting excited!!!)
* Lack of spiritual mentors. This is a major red flag. This person lacks in accountability and that's not a good look.
* Having no same sex relationships. Is this person always hanging with people of the same gender? Do they have healthy relationship with their brothers and sisters in the Lord?
* Bad relationship with the opposite sex parent. How does he treat his mother and how does she treat her father? If he disrespects his own mother, how do you think he'll treat you in 10 years. How does she act towards her father?
* Neediness / Clinging onto. This may be a sign of control.
* Bad break ups. Did this person correctly bring closure to his/her previous situations? We can give some good advice on how to correctly bring closure to your previous situations.
As you can see we covered a lot of ground. Please post your comments, concerns, agreements, disagreements, questions, etc. so we can help each other.
Friday, September 12, we'll pick up with the Pitfalls.
Hope to see you all there...
Friday, September 5, 2008
The Fruit of Hope: Joy
Check out the link below (copy and paste it to your url box) for a GREAT paper on Christian joy written by Pastor John Piper. Surf his website too for other great resources. A lot of stuff on the site is free so immerse yourself in some good reading Christian!!!
Post your comments too!!!
Check out the link below (copy and paste it to your url box) for a GREAT paper on Christian joy written by Pastor John Piper. Surf his website too for other great resources. A lot of stuff on the site is free so immerse yourself in some good reading Christian!!!
Post your comments too!!!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Solus Christus Hour (September 4, '08)
What's Up Saints,
Hey... Hope you all enjoyed our chop up session on Thursday... Ya'll funny for trying to cheat and find the answer to whether or not Cornelius was saved or not when he caught that vision!!! Remember what mom always said, "Cheaters never propser!!!" LOL!!
Ight, here is the meditation in its entirety that I read from Charles Spurgeon. I want to encourage you to find a theologian to study. Chill more often with dead people. No, not the unregenerate souls you know, but a theologian. Some to google are Charles Spurgeon and John Owen. Anyone can offer some names at your leisure. Theologians from times past help you see Christianity in a new light. It gives you more of an appreciation for the faith. Here's what Spurgeon has to offer:
"How long will it be ere they believe me?"-Numbers 14:11
Strive with all diligence to keep out that monster unbelief. It so dishonours Christ, that He will withdraw His visible presence if we insult Him by indulging it. It is true it is a weed, the seeds of which we an never entirely extract from the soil, but we must aim at its root with zeal and perseverance. Among hateful things it is the most to be abhorred. Its injurious nature is so venomous that he that exerciseth it and he upon whom it is exercised are both hurt thereby. In thy case, O believer! it is most wicked, for the mercies of thy Lord in the past, increase thy guilt in doubting Him now. When thou dost distrust the Lord Jesus, He may well cry out, "Behold I am pressed under you, as a cart is pressed that is full of sheaves." This is crowning His head with thorns of the sharpest kind. It is very cruel for a well-beloved wife to
mistrust a kind and faithful husband. The sin is needless, foolish, and unwarranted. Jesus has never given the slightest ground for suspicion, and it is hard to be doubted by those to whom our conduct is uniformly affectionate and true. Jesus is the Son of the Highest, and has unbounded wealth; it is shameful to doubt Omnipotence and distrust all-sufficiency. The cattle on a thousand hills will suffice for our most
hungry feeding, and the granaries of heaven are not likely to be emptied by our eating. If Christ were only a cistern, we might soon exhaust His fullness, but who can drain a fountain? Myriads of spirits have drawn their supplies from Him, and not one of them has murmured at the scantiness of His resources. Away, then, with this lying traitor unbelief, for his only errand is to cut the bonds of communion and make
us mourn an absent Saviour. Bunyan tells us that unbelief has "as many lives as a cat:" if so, let us kill one life now, and continue the work till the whole nine are gone. Down with thee, thou traitor, my heart abhors thee.
Along with killing sin, we gotta get violent with the unbelief in our lives. Let's make Christ look good!! He's already glorious in of himself, but in our struggle against sin, unbelief, etc., let's make our master look GREAT!!! Remember we serve a kind, caring master.
Ight, let's hear your thoughts about our discussion. We looked at Cornelius in Acts 10. Verse 2 states that he was, "a devout man who feared God with all his household, and gave alms generously to the people, and prayed continually to God." He seemed to have all the characteristics of a Christian, but we see in chapter 11, verse 14 that he wasn't saved prior to meeting with Peter. What does that say? Think about it for a sec. I'm pretty sure that you know countless people who possess all the outer characteristics of Christianity, but unfortunately they are lost. Remember the comparison Chad made during the chop up session. He referenced the rich man in the gospels who didn't want to give up his riches and follow Christ. He had everything else in order, but was lacking one thing - namely faith in the Lord. What was Cornelius lacking before his encounter with Peter? What was the implications of Peter and Cornelius meeting and how did it change the scope of Christianity?
One thing to always remember... we're not saved by works, lest any man should boast. It's faith alone in Christ alone (Solus Christus) that we are redeemed.
Remember to throw your R.Y.D. scriptures in its appropriate blog (check the Blog archive to the right of your screen), don't forget the "Soapbox Section... Tell Em Why You Happy" too.
For you early birds, we pray every Tuesday and Friday mornings at 5:30 am. Use the same number as the SC Hour to tap in.
Hey... Hope you all enjoyed our chop up session on Thursday... Ya'll funny for trying to cheat and find the answer to whether or not Cornelius was saved or not when he caught that vision!!! Remember what mom always said, "Cheaters never propser!!!" LOL!!
Ight, here is the meditation in its entirety that I read from Charles Spurgeon. I want to encourage you to find a theologian to study. Chill more often with dead people. No, not the unregenerate souls you know, but a theologian. Some to google are Charles Spurgeon and John Owen. Anyone can offer some names at your leisure. Theologians from times past help you see Christianity in a new light. It gives you more of an appreciation for the faith. Here's what Spurgeon has to offer:
"How long will it be ere they believe me?"-Numbers 14:11
Strive with all diligence to keep out that monster unbelief. It so dishonours Christ, that He will withdraw His visible presence if we insult Him by indulging it. It is true it is a weed, the seeds of which we an never entirely extract from the soil, but we must aim at its root with zeal and perseverance. Among hateful things it is the most to be abhorred. Its injurious nature is so venomous that he that exerciseth it and he upon whom it is exercised are both hurt thereby. In thy case, O believer! it is most wicked, for the mercies of thy Lord in the past, increase thy guilt in doubting Him now. When thou dost distrust the Lord Jesus, He may well cry out, "Behold I am pressed under you, as a cart is pressed that is full of sheaves." This is crowning His head with thorns of the sharpest kind. It is very cruel for a well-beloved wife to
mistrust a kind and faithful husband. The sin is needless, foolish, and unwarranted. Jesus has never given the slightest ground for suspicion, and it is hard to be doubted by those to whom our conduct is uniformly affectionate and true. Jesus is the Son of the Highest, and has unbounded wealth; it is shameful to doubt Omnipotence and distrust all-sufficiency. The cattle on a thousand hills will suffice for our most
hungry feeding, and the granaries of heaven are not likely to be emptied by our eating. If Christ were only a cistern, we might soon exhaust His fullness, but who can drain a fountain? Myriads of spirits have drawn their supplies from Him, and not one of them has murmured at the scantiness of His resources. Away, then, with this lying traitor unbelief, for his only errand is to cut the bonds of communion and make
us mourn an absent Saviour. Bunyan tells us that unbelief has "as many lives as a cat:" if so, let us kill one life now, and continue the work till the whole nine are gone. Down with thee, thou traitor, my heart abhors thee.
Along with killing sin, we gotta get violent with the unbelief in our lives. Let's make Christ look good!! He's already glorious in of himself, but in our struggle against sin, unbelief, etc., let's make our master look GREAT!!! Remember we serve a kind, caring master.
Ight, let's hear your thoughts about our discussion. We looked at Cornelius in Acts 10. Verse 2 states that he was, "a devout man who feared God with all his household, and gave alms generously to the people, and prayed continually to God." He seemed to have all the characteristics of a Christian, but we see in chapter 11, verse 14 that he wasn't saved prior to meeting with Peter. What does that say? Think about it for a sec. I'm pretty sure that you know countless people who possess all the outer characteristics of Christianity, but unfortunately they are lost. Remember the comparison Chad made during the chop up session. He referenced the rich man in the gospels who didn't want to give up his riches and follow Christ. He had everything else in order, but was lacking one thing - namely faith in the Lord. What was Cornelius lacking before his encounter with Peter? What was the implications of Peter and Cornelius meeting and how did it change the scope of Christianity?
One thing to always remember... we're not saved by works, lest any man should boast. It's faith alone in Christ alone (Solus Christus) that we are redeemed.
Remember to throw your R.Y.D. scriptures in its appropriate blog (check the Blog archive to the right of your screen), don't forget the "Soapbox Section... Tell Em Why You Happy" too.
For you early birds, we pray every Tuesday and Friday mornings at 5:30 am. Use the same number as the SC Hour to tap in.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Scripture Advice!!!
Good lookin out to Brooklyn (I WILL NOT LOSE!!!) for this latest SC Blog idea. This section of The SC Hour is called "Scripture Advise". Use this blog to post any questions or comments pertaining to any scripture you may be stuck on and/or need help understanding the intrepretation.
Use the Rock Ya Dome Section (R.Y.D.) to post scriptures that just "rock'd ya dome"....
Let's help eachother in comprehending what God is saying to us thru His word even as we go through life's many situations.
Psalm 119:11: I have hidden your Word in my heart that I might sin against you.
Use the Rock Ya Dome Section (R.Y.D.) to post scriptures that just "rock'd ya dome"....
Let's help eachother in comprehending what God is saying to us thru His word even as we go through life's many situations.
Psalm 119:11: I have hidden your Word in my heart that I might sin against you.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
God's Purpose for Marriage
What's Up Everyone,
Here are the discussion notes from this past Friday's CrossFire! session. When you get a chance read it through and do the homework assignment at the end. Please feel free to post your thoughts and comments... Pass the website along to your friends too!!
We'll continue our discussion this Friday, August 15 at CrossFire! The session starts promptly at 9 pm at 272 Madison Avenue, Perth Amboy, NJ 08861. Here's what's going for the rest of the month at CrossFire!
- Friday, August 15 - "God's Purpose in Marriage" Pt. 2 - Discussion addressing "What is Marriage Covenant?" and "What does God expect of married people?"
- Friday, August 22 - CrossFire! will be at Abundant Life Family Worship Center to hear Tye Tribbett fellowship with Abundant's Singles Ministry.
- Friday, August 29 - Spades Tournament Rematch and Extreme Game NIght - Back by Popular Demand... Nintendo Wii, Taboo, Music, Food, Laughs, X - Box, etc. Will Min. Deen ad Chris ever win back the championship Spades belt back? Come find out!
Your thoughts???
What is God's purpose for marriage?
Some may say the purpose for marriage is to raise a family or to have legitimate sex. The majority of young adults who want to be married have never stopped to ponder the answer. Many don’t even care.
One answer can be found in Malachi 2:13-16. It says: "Another thing you do: You flood the LORD's altar with tears. You weep and wail because he no longer pays attention to your offerings or accepts them with pleasure from your hands. You ask, "Why?" It is because the LORD is acting as the witness between you and the wife of your youth, because you have broken faith with her, though she is your partner, the wife of your marriage covenant. Has not the LORD made them one? In flesh and spirit they are his. And why one? Because he was seeking godly offspring. So guard yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith with the wife of your youth. "I hate divorce," says the LORD God of Israel, "and I hate a man's covering himself with violence as well as with his garment," says the LORD Almighty. So guard yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith.
So you can see from verse 15 that one reason God has ordained the institution of marriage is to produce godly seed. Some may ask, "Well, what if someone can't have kids due to a medical issue such as infertility or disease. Or what if a couple simply doesn’t want to have children?". It is key to note that when we say one of God's purpose for marriage is to produce godly seed, He likely was not only talking about biological children. There are countless Christian couples who don't necessarily have sons and daughters in the flesh, rather they have children in the spirit. A marriage produces fruit in countless other ways:
Your marriage should be an testimony to the glory of God. People should be able to see a couple’s covenant marriage and identify that union between a Christian man a Christian woman as an archetype or representation of Christ and His bride...the church. Given this, married couples can:
• Birth spiritual sons and daughters in the faith through witnessing and
• Mentor other young couples in building a loving godly covenant marriage
• Bear fruit in countless other ways by being a blessing to others
Scripture states that a second purpose for marriage is companionship. Genesis 2:18-25 gives us an excerpt from the familiar story of Adam and Eve. Verse 18 says, "it's not good for a man to be alone." Yes, it's not good for a man to be alone, but fellas, don't stop reading at verse 18, continue on. It later says, "I will make him a helper fit for him." The Lord made a specific mate for Adam. Actually, he put Adam to sleep and took out a rib of his to make Eve. What is that saying? Adam and Eve were compatible. If you're in a relationship, do you get along with your boyfriend/girlfriend or are you trying to fit a square peg into a round hole –so to speak ? Are you compatible... I mean, do you really like each other as people, or do you just like what they represent or what they can do for you? If it doesn't match, it just doesn't. Don't try to force the issue with people. Incompatibility is usually a red flag.
Another question that was brought up on Friday was, "what do you do when you're with someone and they maybe aren't as mature in the faith as you are? Can't they grow in the Lord?" Remember the scripture when it says, you can't be unequally yoked — 2 Corinthians 6:14? The Bible often uses agricultural analogies to speak to the people of that day who understood farming. A yoke was literally a “Y” shaped wooden bar which allows a farmer to guide or “yoke” two oxen side by side in order to plow a field. The farmer knew full well that in order to plow in straight lines to cultivate the soil, he had to pair 2 oxen of equivalent strength. If he didn’t, the plow would go askew—he couldn’t control the pair... and the ground would not be properly cultivated. That analogy carries over into our scripture. When 2 people are paired together in intimate relationship “yoked”, they need to be of similar spiritual strength in order to accomplish the will of the Master. Breaking up the fallow ground of hardened hearts toward Christ. When one is strong and the other is weak, the weak usually drags down the strong person, and the weak person is often just going through the motions spiritually. This approach does not lead to an effective marriage...
Some side comments that were made on Friday were:
* God tells you from day 1 whether that person is right for you. Are you listening?
* The question was asked if there is one soul mate for you or are there multiple choices out there for you and you need to find the right one?
* "In the absence of a proclamation there is a problem." If you're boyfriend/girlfriend has a problem with being public with your relationship, that's a red flag. Adam declared Eve VERBALLY!! Now, we're not talking about being physical and emotional in public, but if your boyfriend/girlfriend wants to keep your relationship on the "low" that person is suspect.
* You must have/be accountable to someone. Choose 2 or more couples you both respect-- who have a Godly marriage to cover you as you consider relationships. They can identify issues that you might not necessarily see being you're in the clouds with your boo (a.k.a. boo'd up) Accountability partners help and not hurt you.
* Someone once said "The good is the enemy of the great." Don't settle for good, set your eyes on the great thing. (Amen LG?)
* "It (the person) may be good, but it's not great."
* "Chemistry only matters when it's not there." (quote by A. Reid)
* One of the ways you know a person is for you is by who you are when you're around them. Are you your normal self when you're around that person or do you have to put on a show for them? (quote by Min. Dante Poole)
* In your relationships you should sense the peace and favor of God if you are in His will.
Background: Min. Ros once had a grad school professor at Harvard say “If there were any product which failed 50% of the time, it would be recalled and reinvented. Since 1 out of every 2 new marriages ends in divorce, the concept of marriage is flawed and therefore needs to be revisited. Marriages should consist of renewable 5 or 10 year contracts which either party can end or renew at the end of an agreed upon time frame.
The Assignment:
What would you say to an unbeliever in defense of this idea? (use moral arguments, don’t use scripture)
What would you say to a Christian to talk him or her out of this idea? (use scripture)
Here are the discussion notes from this past Friday's CrossFire! session. When you get a chance read it through and do the homework assignment at the end. Please feel free to post your thoughts and comments... Pass the website along to your friends too!!
We'll continue our discussion this Friday, August 15 at CrossFire! The session starts promptly at 9 pm at 272 Madison Avenue, Perth Amboy, NJ 08861. Here's what's going for the rest of the month at CrossFire!
- Friday, August 15 - "God's Purpose in Marriage" Pt. 2 - Discussion addressing "What is Marriage Covenant?" and "What does God expect of married people?"
- Friday, August 22 - CrossFire! will be at Abundant Life Family Worship Center to hear Tye Tribbett fellowship with Abundant's Singles Ministry.
- Friday, August 29 - Spades Tournament Rematch and Extreme Game NIght - Back by Popular Demand... Nintendo Wii, Taboo, Music, Food, Laughs, X - Box, etc. Will Min. Deen ad Chris ever win back the championship Spades belt back? Come find out!
Your thoughts???
What is God's purpose for marriage?
Some may say the purpose for marriage is to raise a family or to have legitimate sex. The majority of young adults who want to be married have never stopped to ponder the answer. Many don’t even care.
One answer can be found in Malachi 2:13-16. It says: "Another thing you do: You flood the LORD's altar with tears. You weep and wail because he no longer pays attention to your offerings or accepts them with pleasure from your hands. You ask, "Why?" It is because the LORD is acting as the witness between you and the wife of your youth, because you have broken faith with her, though she is your partner, the wife of your marriage covenant. Has not the LORD made them one? In flesh and spirit they are his. And why one? Because he was seeking godly offspring. So guard yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith with the wife of your youth. "I hate divorce," says the LORD God of Israel, "and I hate a man's covering himself with violence as well as with his garment," says the LORD Almighty. So guard yourself in your spirit, and do not break faith.
So you can see from verse 15 that one reason God has ordained the institution of marriage is to produce godly seed. Some may ask, "Well, what if someone can't have kids due to a medical issue such as infertility or disease. Or what if a couple simply doesn’t want to have children?". It is key to note that when we say one of God's purpose for marriage is to produce godly seed, He likely was not only talking about biological children. There are countless Christian couples who don't necessarily have sons and daughters in the flesh, rather they have children in the spirit. A marriage produces fruit in countless other ways:
Your marriage should be an testimony to the glory of God. People should be able to see a couple’s covenant marriage and identify that union between a Christian man a Christian woman as an archetype or representation of Christ and His bride...the church. Given this, married couples can:
• Birth spiritual sons and daughters in the faith through witnessing and
• Mentor other young couples in building a loving godly covenant marriage
• Bear fruit in countless other ways by being a blessing to others
Scripture states that a second purpose for marriage is companionship. Genesis 2:18-25 gives us an excerpt from the familiar story of Adam and Eve. Verse 18 says, "it's not good for a man to be alone." Yes, it's not good for a man to be alone, but fellas, don't stop reading at verse 18, continue on. It later says, "I will make him a helper fit for him." The Lord made a specific mate for Adam. Actually, he put Adam to sleep and took out a rib of his to make Eve. What is that saying? Adam and Eve were compatible. If you're in a relationship, do you get along with your boyfriend/girlfriend or are you trying to fit a square peg into a round hole –so to speak ? Are you compatible... I mean, do you really like each other as people, or do you just like what they represent or what they can do for you? If it doesn't match, it just doesn't. Don't try to force the issue with people. Incompatibility is usually a red flag.
Another question that was brought up on Friday was, "what do you do when you're with someone and they maybe aren't as mature in the faith as you are? Can't they grow in the Lord?" Remember the scripture when it says, you can't be unequally yoked — 2 Corinthians 6:14? The Bible often uses agricultural analogies to speak to the people of that day who understood farming. A yoke was literally a “Y” shaped wooden bar which allows a farmer to guide or “yoke” two oxen side by side in order to plow a field. The farmer knew full well that in order to plow in straight lines to cultivate the soil, he had to pair 2 oxen of equivalent strength. If he didn’t, the plow would go askew—he couldn’t control the pair... and the ground would not be properly cultivated. That analogy carries over into our scripture. When 2 people are paired together in intimate relationship “yoked”, they need to be of similar spiritual strength in order to accomplish the will of the Master. Breaking up the fallow ground of hardened hearts toward Christ. When one is strong and the other is weak, the weak usually drags down the strong person, and the weak person is often just going through the motions spiritually. This approach does not lead to an effective marriage...
Some side comments that were made on Friday were:
* God tells you from day 1 whether that person is right for you. Are you listening?
* The question was asked if there is one soul mate for you or are there multiple choices out there for you and you need to find the right one?
* "In the absence of a proclamation there is a problem." If you're boyfriend/girlfriend has a problem with being public with your relationship, that's a red flag. Adam declared Eve VERBALLY!! Now, we're not talking about being physical and emotional in public, but if your boyfriend/girlfriend wants to keep your relationship on the "low" that person is suspect.
* You must have/be accountable to someone. Choose 2 or more couples you both respect-- who have a Godly marriage to cover you as you consider relationships. They can identify issues that you might not necessarily see being you're in the clouds with your boo (a.k.a. boo'd up) Accountability partners help and not hurt you.
* Someone once said "The good is the enemy of the great." Don't settle for good, set your eyes on the great thing. (Amen LG?)
* "It (the person) may be good, but it's not great."
* "Chemistry only matters when it's not there." (quote by A. Reid)
* One of the ways you know a person is for you is by who you are when you're around them. Are you your normal self when you're around that person or do you have to put on a show for them? (quote by Min. Dante Poole)
* In your relationships you should sense the peace and favor of God if you are in His will.
Background: Min. Ros once had a grad school professor at Harvard say “If there were any product which failed 50% of the time, it would be recalled and reinvented. Since 1 out of every 2 new marriages ends in divorce, the concept of marriage is flawed and therefore needs to be revisited. Marriages should consist of renewable 5 or 10 year contracts which either party can end or renew at the end of an agreed upon time frame.
The Assignment:
What would you say to an unbeliever in defense of this idea? (use moral arguments, don’t use scripture)
What would you say to a Christian to talk him or her out of this idea? (use scripture)
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Raisin the Hymn III & IV
Saints it's time for a new addition of "Raisin the Hymn"....
Via the expertise of my wonderful mother, "The SC Hour" welcomes the "Raisin The Hymn" section... Back in the day they used to have a section in the church service called "Raisin The Hymn", so it's only fitting that "The SC Hour" rock a section dedicated to hymns...
Ight, here is the 3rd and 4th installment of the "Raisin The Hymn".
Shout out to Kris for coming through with these classic hymns... We need to get an old school hymnal service poppin off!!!
"Draw Me Nearer"
I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice, And it told Thy love to me; But I long to rise in the arms of faith
And be closer drawn to Thee.
Draw me nearer, nearer blessed Lord,
To the cross where Thou hast died;
Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer blessed Lord,
To Thy precious, bleeding side.
Consecrate me now to Thy service, Lord,
By the pow’r of grace divine;
Let my soul look up with a steadfast hope,
And my will be lost in Thine.
Oh, the pure delight of a single hour
That before Thy throne I spend,
When I kneel in prayer, and with Thee, my God
I commune as friend with friend!
There are depths of love that I cannot know
Till I cross the narrow sea;
There are heights of joy that I may not reach
Till I rest in peace with Thee.
From Kris:
I have another song that I would like to post for the RTH Section.
So many artists have done this song but I have been playing the version from Marvin Sapp all afternoon. It's so simple but the words are so beautiful and powerful.
Ok...the song is the "None Like You Medley" by Marvin Sapp.
I worship You, Almighty God,
there is none like You.
I worship You, oh Prince of Peace,
that is all I long to do.
I give You praise, for You are my righteousness.
I worship You, Almighty God;
there is none like You.
Via the expertise of my wonderful mother, "The SC Hour" welcomes the "Raisin The Hymn" section... Back in the day they used to have a section in the church service called "Raisin The Hymn", so it's only fitting that "The SC Hour" rock a section dedicated to hymns...
Ight, here is the 3rd and 4th installment of the "Raisin The Hymn".
Shout out to Kris for coming through with these classic hymns... We need to get an old school hymnal service poppin off!!!
"Draw Me Nearer"
I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice, And it told Thy love to me; But I long to rise in the arms of faith
And be closer drawn to Thee.
Draw me nearer, nearer blessed Lord,
To the cross where Thou hast died;
Draw me nearer, nearer, nearer blessed Lord,
To Thy precious, bleeding side.
Consecrate me now to Thy service, Lord,
By the pow’r of grace divine;
Let my soul look up with a steadfast hope,
And my will be lost in Thine.
Oh, the pure delight of a single hour
That before Thy throne I spend,
When I kneel in prayer, and with Thee, my God
I commune as friend with friend!
There are depths of love that I cannot know
Till I cross the narrow sea;
There are heights of joy that I may not reach
Till I rest in peace with Thee.
From Kris:
I have another song that I would like to post for the RTH Section.
So many artists have done this song but I have been playing the version from Marvin Sapp all afternoon. It's so simple but the words are so beautiful and powerful.
Ok...the song is the "None Like You Medley" by Marvin Sapp.
I worship You, Almighty God,
there is none like You.
I worship You, oh Prince of Peace,
that is all I long to do.
I give You praise, for You are my righteousness.
I worship You, Almighty God;
there is none like You.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Meditation for week of 8/11
Here's a lil bit of encouragement to those who are struggling in their walk with the Lord.
Seek Christ, don't hesitate!!!
"Oh that I were as in months past."-Job 29:2
By C.H. Spurgeon
Numbers of Christians can view the past with pleasure, but regard the present with dissatisfaction; they look back upon the days which they have passed in communing with the Lord as being the sweetest and the best they have ever known, but as to the present, it is clad in a sable garb of gloom and dreariness. Once they lived near to Jesus, but now they feel that they have wandered from Him, and they say, "O that I were as in months past!" They complain that they have lost their evidences, or that they have not present peace of mind, or that they have no enjoyment in the means of grace, or that conscience is not so tender, or that they have not so much zeal for God's glory. The causes of this mournful state of things are manifold. It may arise through a comparative neglect of prayer, for a neglected closet is the beginning of all spiritual decline. Or it may be the result of idolatry. The heart has been occupied with something else, more than with God; the affections have been set on the things of earth, instead of the things of heaven. A jealous God will not be content with a divided heart; He must be loved first and best. He will withdraw the sunshine of His presence from a cold, wandering heart. Or the cause may be found in self-confidence and self-righteousness. Pride is busy in the heart, and self is exalted instead of lying low at the foot of the cross. Christian, if you are not now as you "were in months past," do not rest satisfied with wishing for a return of former happiness, but go at once to seek your Master, and tell Him your sad state. Ask His grace and strength to help you to walk more closely with Him; humble yourself before Him, and He will lift you up, and give you yet again to enjoy the light of His countenance. Do not sit down to sigh and lament; while the beloved Physician lives there is hope, nay there is a certainty of recovery for the worst cases.
Your thoughts??? SOLUS CHRISTUS!!!
Here's a lil bit of encouragement to those who are struggling in their walk with the Lord.
Seek Christ, don't hesitate!!!
"Oh that I were as in months past."-Job 29:2
By C.H. Spurgeon
Numbers of Christians can view the past with pleasure, but regard the present with dissatisfaction; they look back upon the days which they have passed in communing with the Lord as being the sweetest and the best they have ever known, but as to the present, it is clad in a sable garb of gloom and dreariness. Once they lived near to Jesus, but now they feel that they have wandered from Him, and they say, "O that I were as in months past!" They complain that they have lost their evidences, or that they have not present peace of mind, or that they have no enjoyment in the means of grace, or that conscience is not so tender, or that they have not so much zeal for God's glory. The causes of this mournful state of things are manifold. It may arise through a comparative neglect of prayer, for a neglected closet is the beginning of all spiritual decline. Or it may be the result of idolatry. The heart has been occupied with something else, more than with God; the affections have been set on the things of earth, instead of the things of heaven. A jealous God will not be content with a divided heart; He must be loved first and best. He will withdraw the sunshine of His presence from a cold, wandering heart. Or the cause may be found in self-confidence and self-righteousness. Pride is busy in the heart, and self is exalted instead of lying low at the foot of the cross. Christian, if you are not now as you "were in months past," do not rest satisfied with wishing for a return of former happiness, but go at once to seek your Master, and tell Him your sad state. Ask His grace and strength to help you to walk more closely with Him; humble yourself before Him, and He will lift you up, and give you yet again to enjoy the light of His countenance. Do not sit down to sigh and lament; while the beloved Physician lives there is hope, nay there is a certainty of recovery for the worst cases.
Your thoughts??? SOLUS CHRISTUS!!!
Friday, August 8, 2008
The Purpose of Religion by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
What is the purpose of religion? Is it to perpetuate an idea about God? Is it totally dependent upon revelation? What part does psychological experience play? Is religion synonymous with theology?
Harry Emerson Fosdick says that the most hopeful thing about any system of theology is that it will not last. This statement will shock some. But is the purpose of religion the perpetuation of theological ideas? Religion is not validated by ideas, but by experience.
This automatically raised the question of salvation. Is the basis for salvation in creeds and dogmas or in experience? Catholics would have us believe the former. For them, the church, its creeds, its popes and bishops have recited the essence of religion and that is all there is to it. One the other hand we say that each soul must make its own reconciliation to God; that no creed can take the place of the personal experience. This was expressed by Paul Tillich when he said, "There is natural religion which belongs to man by nature. But there is also a revealed religion which man receives from a supernatural reality." Relevant religion therefore, comes through revelation from God, on the one hand, and through repentance and acceptance of salvation on the other hand. Dogma as an agent in salvation has no essential place.
This is the secret of our religion. This is what makes the saints move on in spite of problems and perplexities of life that they must face. This religion of experience by which man is aware of God seeking him and saving him helps him to see the hands of God moving through history.
Religion has to be interpreted for each age; stated in terms that that age can understand. But the essential purpose of religion remains the same. It is not to perpetuate a dogma or theology; but to produce living witnesses and testimonies to the power of God in human experience.
Your thoughts???
Harry Emerson Fosdick says that the most hopeful thing about any system of theology is that it will not last. This statement will shock some. But is the purpose of religion the perpetuation of theological ideas? Religion is not validated by ideas, but by experience.
This automatically raised the question of salvation. Is the basis for salvation in creeds and dogmas or in experience? Catholics would have us believe the former. For them, the church, its creeds, its popes and bishops have recited the essence of religion and that is all there is to it. One the other hand we say that each soul must make its own reconciliation to God; that no creed can take the place of the personal experience. This was expressed by Paul Tillich when he said, "There is natural religion which belongs to man by nature. But there is also a revealed religion which man receives from a supernatural reality." Relevant religion therefore, comes through revelation from God, on the one hand, and through repentance and acceptance of salvation on the other hand. Dogma as an agent in salvation has no essential place.
This is the secret of our religion. This is what makes the saints move on in spite of problems and perplexities of life that they must face. This religion of experience by which man is aware of God seeking him and saving him helps him to see the hands of God moving through history.
Religion has to be interpreted for each age; stated in terms that that age can understand. But the essential purpose of religion remains the same. It is not to perpetuate a dogma or theology; but to produce living witnesses and testimonies to the power of God in human experience.
Your thoughts???
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Just watch the video...
"But thanks be to God that yet while we were sinners, Christ died for us." - Romans 5:6
solus christus
solus christus
The Importance of the Gospel in the Life of the believer
What's Up,
The glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ is just that - GLORIOUS!!!
A Holy Hip Hop artist put it like this... "He's Glorious, tell a friend He wins, He's victorious... Check the headlines... there's a deadline... when it come to the glory Jesus said I'ma get mine..."
And Jesus has done that throughout all eternity... get glory from needy sinners such as us. What God has done for us in the person of Jesus is of utmost importance in the life of the believer. We could spend the rest of our lives trying to unpack all that is for the believer in Christ and Christ alone... (hence Solus Christus) Just when you think you've gotten it, you only find out that you've just tipped the iceberg of the greatness of God.
During our last chop up session we ended with the question, "What are 3 ways in which the gospel is important in the life of the believer?"
We were all given a ton of scripture to help find the answers and they are:
Luke 7:50; 1 Corinthians 1:18; 2 Corinthians 2:15; Ephesians 2:8; Romans 6:14; Philippians 2:12-13; Romans 8:2; 2 Corinthians 3:18; Hebrews 10:36; and 1 John 3:2.
Now, I understand that the gospel is important to the believer in more ways than 3 so let me hear your thoughts... supported by scripture
Post your comments throughout the week and we'll chop it up this thursday on the SC HOUR @ 9 pm....
The glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ is just that - GLORIOUS!!!
A Holy Hip Hop artist put it like this... "He's Glorious, tell a friend He wins, He's victorious... Check the headlines... there's a deadline... when it come to the glory Jesus said I'ma get mine..."
And Jesus has done that throughout all eternity... get glory from needy sinners such as us. What God has done for us in the person of Jesus is of utmost importance in the life of the believer. We could spend the rest of our lives trying to unpack all that is for the believer in Christ and Christ alone... (hence Solus Christus) Just when you think you've gotten it, you only find out that you've just tipped the iceberg of the greatness of God.
During our last chop up session we ended with the question, "What are 3 ways in which the gospel is important in the life of the believer?"
We were all given a ton of scripture to help find the answers and they are:
Luke 7:50; 1 Corinthians 1:18; 2 Corinthians 2:15; Ephesians 2:8; Romans 6:14; Philippians 2:12-13; Romans 8:2; 2 Corinthians 3:18; Hebrews 10:36; and 1 John 3:2.
Now, I understand that the gospel is important to the believer in more ways than 3 so let me hear your thoughts... supported by scripture
Post your comments throughout the week and we'll chop it up this thursday on the SC HOUR @ 9 pm....
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Griff and Omar On Things Eternal....
Watch Griff and Omar of Team Sozo chop it up on things eternal...
Your thoughts...
Your thoughts...
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
The Glory of Rescuing Sinners, Not Removing Satan
From John Piper's "Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ."
This is Chapter 9 titled: "The Glory of Rescuing Sinners, not removing Satan - The Saving Sacrifice of Jesus Christ."
If this was ESPN I would call this "an instant classic!!" Read at your leisure.
The glory of Christ is seen in his absolute right and power to annihilate or incapacitate Satan and all demons. But the reason he refrains from destroying and disabling them altogether is to manifest more clearly his superior beauty and worth. If Christ obliterated all devils and demons now (which he could do), his sheer power would be seen as glorious, but his superior beauty and worth would not shine as brightly as when humans renounce the promises of Satan and take pleasure in the greater glory of Christ.
The devil and his angels are irredeemable. Jesus implies this when he says “eternal fire [has been] prepared for the devil and his angels” (Matthew 25:41). And Jude confirms it when he says that the fallen angels are being “kept in eternal chains under gloomy darkness until the judgment of the great day” (Verse 6). Therefore, the reason Christ withholds his judgment from them now is not to give them a chance to repent and be saved.
Then why not obliterate them altogether, or at least paralyze their harmful influence? Is it because they have free will (in the sense of ultimate self-determination) and Christ cannot stop them? No. Too many texts illustrate the right and power of Christ to restrain and remove Satan and his demons. For example, 1) “[Christ] commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey him” (Mark 1:27). 2) When Satan does act in freedom, it is only by divine permission. “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail” (Luke 22:31-31). 3) Even though Paul’s “thorn… in the flesh” is a “messenger of Satan,” nevertheless Christ makes it serve Paul’s humility and the display of Christ’s own power (2 Corinthians 12:7-10). 4) In the end, God will bind Satan for a thousand years, then finally, throw him into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:2, 10). Therefore, the decision to leave Satan in the world is not because Christ does not have the right and power to remove him. What, then, is the reason?
Christ must have a very high stake in the ongoing existence of Satan, because, even though he has the right and power to annihilate him now, he defeats him in stages at the cost of his own life. “The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8). But how did he do this? Hebrews 2:14 gives one answer: “He himself likewise partook of the same things [human nature], that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, this is, the devil. In other words, Christ became human so that he could die, and by dying “destroy” the devil.
This means that Christ’s aim in defeating the devil must be something different from the mere removal of Satan’s deadly influence. He could have accomplished that with one command: “Go to hell!” And the devil would have obeyed- as one day he will! What then is the kind of defeat Christ achieved over Satan? And why is it superior to the simple removal of Satan out of history?
The key is that Satan is defeated by the death of Jesus. Paul puts it this way, referring to the death of Christ: “He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him” (Colossians 2:25). In what sense did he disarm Satan’s “rulers and authorities”? Satan still blinds (2 Corinthians 4:4) and tempts (1 Thessalonians 3:5) and deceives (Revelation 20:3) and casts into prison (Revelation 2:10) and takes captive (2 Timothy 2:26) and destroys flesh (1Corithians 5:5). He does not look disarmed or destroyed. How then is he disarmed by the death of Jesus?
One answer is that the death of Jesus nullified the damning effect of sin for all who trust in Christ. The weapon of soul-destroying sin and guilt is taken out of Satan’s hand. He is disarmed of the single weapon that can condemn us- unforgiven sin. We see this in 1 Corinthians 15:55-57; “’O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?’ The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Why is sin the sting of death? Because only unforgiven sin can condemn the soul and make death a door to hell, not heaven. Therefore, the way that Satan can destroy the soul is not by séances or apparitions or sickness or persecution, but only by securing the guilt of our sin. “But thanks be to God,” Paul says, “who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
“Christ also suffered once for sin, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God” (1 Peter 3:18). If our sins are forgiven for Christ’s sake, Satan has no damning weapon against us. He can hurt us, and even kill us, but he cannot condemn us. This is what Hebrews 2:14 meant when it said that by death Christ “destroy[ed] the one who has the power of death.” Satan had “the power of death” in the sense that he wielded the lethal sting of death. But now by the blood of Christ our sins are forgiven, and Satan’s soul-destroying power is nullified for all who are in Christ. There is no condemnation-from Satan or anyone.
You can see it again in the words “The sting of death is sin, and the power if sin is the law” (1 Corinthians 15:56). If sin is the lethal sting of death; it is because the law fixes an eternal penalty for sin. “The wages of sin is [eternal] death” (Romans 6:23). But when Christ died as our perfect substitute, Paul says that God “cancel[ed] the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands… he set [it] aside, nailing it to the cross” (Colossians 2:14). So the weapon of the law was taken out of Satan’s hand. He cannot use it to condemn the people of God.
Now without sin and law to condemn and accuse and oppress us, Satan is a defeated foe. He is disarmed. Christ has triumphed over him, not by putting him out of existence, but by letting him live and watch while millions of saints find forgiveness for their sins and turn their back on Satan because of the greater glory of the grace of Christ.
It was a costly triumph. But God’s values are not so easily reckoned. If God had simply terminated Satan, then it would not have been so clear that God is both stronger and infinitely more to be desired than Satan. God wills for his glory to shine forth not only though acts of physical power, but also through acts of moral and spiritual power that display the beauty of his grace with lavish colors. To take sinners out of Satan’s hands by virtue of Christ’s sin bearing sacrifice and his law-fulfilling obedience to the Father was a more glorious victory than mere annihilation of the enemy.
A Prayer
Heavenly Father, we are sobered that you would regard the glory of your Son so highly that it would be worth the ongoing existence of Satan to make it fully known. We are ashamed that we have murmured about the battles of life when we should have made every effort to magnify your Christ-exalting reason for giving the enemy so much leash. Forgive us for failing to see your holy purposes. And now, O God, by the blood of your Son, our Savior, give us victory over Satan. Grant us to see and savor the superior worth of Christ. Let us shame Satan by making much of Jesus. Grant us to glory in the work of the cross. Help us to cherish the finished work of Christ that disarmed Satan and took the sting out of death. Teach us how to fight by faith against the power of sin, in the confidence that Christ has purchased our forgiveness and secured the triumph of all who trust in him. Turn every evil design of the devil into sanctifying schemes of love. Deliver us from his deceptions. Keep the beauty of Christ clear in the eyes of our heart. Make us instruments of Satan’s defeat until you come and slay him by the breath of your mouth. Make us valiant in delivering other by the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, your great Gospel. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.
This is Chapter 9 titled: "The Glory of Rescuing Sinners, not removing Satan - The Saving Sacrifice of Jesus Christ."
If this was ESPN I would call this "an instant classic!!" Read at your leisure.
The glory of Christ is seen in his absolute right and power to annihilate or incapacitate Satan and all demons. But the reason he refrains from destroying and disabling them altogether is to manifest more clearly his superior beauty and worth. If Christ obliterated all devils and demons now (which he could do), his sheer power would be seen as glorious, but his superior beauty and worth would not shine as brightly as when humans renounce the promises of Satan and take pleasure in the greater glory of Christ.
The devil and his angels are irredeemable. Jesus implies this when he says “eternal fire [has been] prepared for the devil and his angels” (Matthew 25:41). And Jude confirms it when he says that the fallen angels are being “kept in eternal chains under gloomy darkness until the judgment of the great day” (Verse 6). Therefore, the reason Christ withholds his judgment from them now is not to give them a chance to repent and be saved.
Then why not obliterate them altogether, or at least paralyze their harmful influence? Is it because they have free will (in the sense of ultimate self-determination) and Christ cannot stop them? No. Too many texts illustrate the right and power of Christ to restrain and remove Satan and his demons. For example, 1) “[Christ] commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey him” (Mark 1:27). 2) When Satan does act in freedom, it is only by divine permission. “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you, that he might sift you like wheat, but I have prayed for you that your faith may not fail” (Luke 22:31-31). 3) Even though Paul’s “thorn… in the flesh” is a “messenger of Satan,” nevertheless Christ makes it serve Paul’s humility and the display of Christ’s own power (2 Corinthians 12:7-10). 4) In the end, God will bind Satan for a thousand years, then finally, throw him into the lake of fire (Revelation 20:2, 10). Therefore, the decision to leave Satan in the world is not because Christ does not have the right and power to remove him. What, then, is the reason?
Christ must have a very high stake in the ongoing existence of Satan, because, even though he has the right and power to annihilate him now, he defeats him in stages at the cost of his own life. “The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil” (1 John 3:8). But how did he do this? Hebrews 2:14 gives one answer: “He himself likewise partook of the same things [human nature], that through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death, this is, the devil. In other words, Christ became human so that he could die, and by dying “destroy” the devil.
This means that Christ’s aim in defeating the devil must be something different from the mere removal of Satan’s deadly influence. He could have accomplished that with one command: “Go to hell!” And the devil would have obeyed- as one day he will! What then is the kind of defeat Christ achieved over Satan? And why is it superior to the simple removal of Satan out of history?
The key is that Satan is defeated by the death of Jesus. Paul puts it this way, referring to the death of Christ: “He disarmed the rulers and authorities and put them to open shame, by triumphing over them in him” (Colossians 2:25). In what sense did he disarm Satan’s “rulers and authorities”? Satan still blinds (2 Corinthians 4:4) and tempts (1 Thessalonians 3:5) and deceives (Revelation 20:3) and casts into prison (Revelation 2:10) and takes captive (2 Timothy 2:26) and destroys flesh (1Corithians 5:5). He does not look disarmed or destroyed. How then is he disarmed by the death of Jesus?
One answer is that the death of Jesus nullified the damning effect of sin for all who trust in Christ. The weapon of soul-destroying sin and guilt is taken out of Satan’s hand. He is disarmed of the single weapon that can condemn us- unforgiven sin. We see this in 1 Corinthians 15:55-57; “’O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?’ The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Why is sin the sting of death? Because only unforgiven sin can condemn the soul and make death a door to hell, not heaven. Therefore, the way that Satan can destroy the soul is not by séances or apparitions or sickness or persecution, but only by securing the guilt of our sin. “But thanks be to God,” Paul says, “who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
“Christ also suffered once for sin, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God” (1 Peter 3:18). If our sins are forgiven for Christ’s sake, Satan has no damning weapon against us. He can hurt us, and even kill us, but he cannot condemn us. This is what Hebrews 2:14 meant when it said that by death Christ “destroy[ed] the one who has the power of death.” Satan had “the power of death” in the sense that he wielded the lethal sting of death. But now by the blood of Christ our sins are forgiven, and Satan’s soul-destroying power is nullified for all who are in Christ. There is no condemnation-from Satan or anyone.
You can see it again in the words “The sting of death is sin, and the power if sin is the law” (1 Corinthians 15:56). If sin is the lethal sting of death; it is because the law fixes an eternal penalty for sin. “The wages of sin is [eternal] death” (Romans 6:23). But when Christ died as our perfect substitute, Paul says that God “cancel[ed] the record of debt that stood against us with its legal demands… he set [it] aside, nailing it to the cross” (Colossians 2:14). So the weapon of the law was taken out of Satan’s hand. He cannot use it to condemn the people of God.
Now without sin and law to condemn and accuse and oppress us, Satan is a defeated foe. He is disarmed. Christ has triumphed over him, not by putting him out of existence, but by letting him live and watch while millions of saints find forgiveness for their sins and turn their back on Satan because of the greater glory of the grace of Christ.
It was a costly triumph. But God’s values are not so easily reckoned. If God had simply terminated Satan, then it would not have been so clear that God is both stronger and infinitely more to be desired than Satan. God wills for his glory to shine forth not only though acts of physical power, but also through acts of moral and spiritual power that display the beauty of his grace with lavish colors. To take sinners out of Satan’s hands by virtue of Christ’s sin bearing sacrifice and his law-fulfilling obedience to the Father was a more glorious victory than mere annihilation of the enemy.
A Prayer
Heavenly Father, we are sobered that you would regard the glory of your Son so highly that it would be worth the ongoing existence of Satan to make it fully known. We are ashamed that we have murmured about the battles of life when we should have made every effort to magnify your Christ-exalting reason for giving the enemy so much leash. Forgive us for failing to see your holy purposes. And now, O God, by the blood of your Son, our Savior, give us victory over Satan. Grant us to see and savor the superior worth of Christ. Let us shame Satan by making much of Jesus. Grant us to glory in the work of the cross. Help us to cherish the finished work of Christ that disarmed Satan and took the sting out of death. Teach us how to fight by faith against the power of sin, in the confidence that Christ has purchased our forgiveness and secured the triumph of all who trust in him. Turn every evil design of the devil into sanctifying schemes of love. Deliver us from his deceptions. Keep the beauty of Christ clear in the eyes of our heart. Make us instruments of Satan’s defeat until you come and slay him by the breath of your mouth. Make us valiant in delivering other by the sword of the Spirit, the Word of God, your great Gospel. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Solus Christus IV
What's Up Ya'll...
Attached is the sermon that we'll listen to as we work through 1 John. If you want to recommend any other sources of information that will help us understand 1 John please don't hesitate to post them.
The speaker's name is Paul Washer. He's a reformed believer so you won't necessarily hear the b flat from the organ in the background. It's an excellent sermon that will help you understand 1 John in addition to studying it during your devotional time.
Oh, thanks for keeping it real on the "SC Hour"... As Jolina said... "Lord keep a fence around me...."
Attached is the sermon that we'll listen to as we work through 1 John. If you want to recommend any other sources of information that will help us understand 1 John please don't hesitate to post them.
The speaker's name is Paul Washer. He's a reformed believer so you won't necessarily hear the b flat from the organ in the background. It's an excellent sermon that will help you understand 1 John in addition to studying it during your devotional time.
Oh, thanks for keeping it real on the "SC Hour"... As Jolina said... "Lord keep a fence around me...."
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Raisin' The Hymn II
Saints it's time for a new addition of "Raisin the Hymn"....
Via the expertise of my wonderful mother, "The SC Hour" welcomes the "Raisin The Hymn" section... Back in the day they used to have a section in the church service called "Raisin The Hymn", so it's only fitting that "The SC Hour" rock a section dedicated to hymns...
Ya'll remember this one??
Verse 1
Yield not to temp-ta-tion, For yield-ing is sin; Each vic-t'ry will
help you Some oth-er to win; Fight man-ful-ly on-ward,
Dark pas-sion sub-due; Look ev-er to Je-sus, He'll car-ry you through.
Verse 2
Shun e-vil com-pan-ions, Bad lan-guage dis-dain; God's name hold in rev-'rence, Nor take it in vain; Be thoughtful and ear-nest, Kind- heart-ed and true; Look ev-er to Je-sus, He'll car-ry you through.
Verse 3
To him that o'er-com-eth, God giv-eth a crown, Thro' faith we will con-quer, Tho' oft-en cast down; He who is our Sav-ior, Our strength will re-new; Look ev-er to Jes-sus, He'll car-ry you through.
Ask the Sav-ior to help you, Comfort, strengthen and keep you; He is will-ing to aid you, He will car-ry you through.
Via the expertise of my wonderful mother, "The SC Hour" welcomes the "Raisin The Hymn" section... Back in the day they used to have a section in the church service called "Raisin The Hymn", so it's only fitting that "The SC Hour" rock a section dedicated to hymns...
Ya'll remember this one??
Verse 1
Yield not to temp-ta-tion, For yield-ing is sin; Each vic-t'ry will
help you Some oth-er to win; Fight man-ful-ly on-ward,
Dark pas-sion sub-due; Look ev-er to Je-sus, He'll car-ry you through.
Verse 2
Shun e-vil com-pan-ions, Bad lan-guage dis-dain; God's name hold in rev-'rence, Nor take it in vain; Be thoughtful and ear-nest, Kind- heart-ed and true; Look ev-er to Je-sus, He'll car-ry you through.
Verse 3
To him that o'er-com-eth, God giv-eth a crown, Thro' faith we will con-quer, Tho' oft-en cast down; He who is our Sav-ior, Our strength will re-new; Look ev-er to Jes-sus, He'll car-ry you through.
Ask the Sav-ior to help you, Comfort, strengthen and keep you; He is will-ing to aid you, He will car-ry you through.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
In the midst of it all...
What's Up Ya'll... It's interesting how the Lord knows how to get your attention... even when a million and one things are poppin off...
I'm here on the West Coast at the BET Awards taking a break... (a much needed one at that!!) and I logged onto the computer for the first time in a couple of days and I read the following from Charles Spurgeon...
"Thou art fairer than the children of men."-Psalm 45:2
The entire person of Jesus is but as one gem, and His life is all along but one impression of the seal. He is altogether complete; not only in His several parts, but as a gracious all-glorious whole. His character is not a mass of fair colours mixed confusedly, nor a heap of precious stones laid carelessly one upon another; He is a picture of beauty and a breastplate of glory. In Him, all the "things of good repute" are in their proper places, and assist in adorning each other. Not one feature in His glorious person attracts attention at the expense of others; but He is perfectly and altogether lovely. Oh, Jesus! Thy power, Thy grace, Thy justice, Thy tenderness, Thy truth, Thy majesty, and Thine immutability make up such a man, or rather such a God-man, as neither heaven nor earth hath seen elsewhere. Thy infancy, Thy eternity, Thy sufferings, Thy triumphs, Thy death, and Thine immortality, are all woven in one gorgeous tapestry, without seam or rent. Thou art music without discord; Thou art many, and yet not divided; Thou art all things, and yet not diverse. As all the colours blend into one resplendent rainbow, so all the glories of heaven and earth meet in Thee, and unite so wondrously, that there is none like Thee in all things; nay, if all the virtues of the most excellent were bound in one bundle, they could not rival Thee, Thou mirror of all perfection. Thou hast been anointed with the holy oil of myrrh and cassia, which Thy God hath reserved for Thee alone; and as for Thy fragrance, it is as the holy perfume, the like of which none other can ever mingle, even with! the art of the apothecary; each spice is fragrant, but the compound is divine.
"Oh, sacred symmetry! oh, rare connectionOf many perfects, to make one perfection!Oh, heavenly music, where all parts do meetIn one sweet strain, to make one perfect sweet!"
With so many things going on in preparation for the Awards, Christ reminded me how glorious, wonderful, excellent, awesome, perfect, on a whole nother level, off da hook, and whatever words you can think of He is...
Soli Deo Gloria!!!
Post your comments...
I'm here on the West Coast at the BET Awards taking a break... (a much needed one at that!!) and I logged onto the computer for the first time in a couple of days and I read the following from Charles Spurgeon...
"Thou art fairer than the children of men."-Psalm 45:2
The entire person of Jesus is but as one gem, and His life is all along but one impression of the seal. He is altogether complete; not only in His several parts, but as a gracious all-glorious whole. His character is not a mass of fair colours mixed confusedly, nor a heap of precious stones laid carelessly one upon another; He is a picture of beauty and a breastplate of glory. In Him, all the "things of good repute" are in their proper places, and assist in adorning each other. Not one feature in His glorious person attracts attention at the expense of others; but He is perfectly and altogether lovely. Oh, Jesus! Thy power, Thy grace, Thy justice, Thy tenderness, Thy truth, Thy majesty, and Thine immutability make up such a man, or rather such a God-man, as neither heaven nor earth hath seen elsewhere. Thy infancy, Thy eternity, Thy sufferings, Thy triumphs, Thy death, and Thine immortality, are all woven in one gorgeous tapestry, without seam or rent. Thou art music without discord; Thou art many, and yet not divided; Thou art all things, and yet not diverse. As all the colours blend into one resplendent rainbow, so all the glories of heaven and earth meet in Thee, and unite so wondrously, that there is none like Thee in all things; nay, if all the virtues of the most excellent were bound in one bundle, they could not rival Thee, Thou mirror of all perfection. Thou hast been anointed with the holy oil of myrrh and cassia, which Thy God hath reserved for Thee alone; and as for Thy fragrance, it is as the holy perfume, the like of which none other can ever mingle, even with! the art of the apothecary; each spice is fragrant, but the compound is divine.
"Oh, sacred symmetry! oh, rare connectionOf many perfects, to make one perfection!Oh, heavenly music, where all parts do meetIn one sweet strain, to make one perfect sweet!"
With so many things going on in preparation for the Awards, Christ reminded me how glorious, wonderful, excellent, awesome, perfect, on a whole nother level, off da hook, and whatever words you can think of He is...
Soli Deo Gloria!!!
Post your comments...
Saturday, June 14, 2008
This is my new life...
"Most Christians think the Christian life is struggling to be something you're not. It's not, it's being what you are now, a new creature. - Paul Washer
What do you think about that comment? Post your thoughts and please support it with Scripture.
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15).
What do you think about that comment? Post your thoughts and please support it with Scripture.
Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15).
Friday, June 13, 2008
A Pastor's Struggle...
Here is the quote from the Pastor I referred to as we ended The Solus Christus Hour II. His comments are in reference to our worship towards God and how terribly short we fall in giving Him is due praise....
Author: Rev. Bryn MacPhail
"One of my greatest challenges every Sunday is a challenge that may surprise you. My greatest challenge each and every Sunday is to avoid blaspheming God from this pulpit.
No, it's not that I'm lacking confidence in my theology. And it's not that I'm lacking confidence in interpreting the Scriptures. It's just that, each Sunday, I am keenly aware of the human tendency to worship a god that is smaller than the God revealed in the Bible.
A.W. Tozer is correct when he says that, 'What comes to our mind when we think about God is the most important thing about us'(Tozer, Knowledge Of The Holy , 1). Since what we believe about God is so vital, we must constantly be on guard against worshiping a god that is smaller than the biblical God. Worshiping a god that is smaller than the real God is the essence of idolatry--and it is a sin we are all guilty of.
Go ahead and picture God in your mind, right now. Try to imagine His holiness. Try to imagine His character. Try to imagine His infinitude. Guess what? You all, inevitably, just pictured a God that is too small. Our highest thoughts of God do not do justice to His greatness. That is why Paul is quick to confess, "How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways! For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who became His counselor? "(Rom. 11:33, 34).
Your comments....
Author: Rev. Bryn MacPhail
"One of my greatest challenges every Sunday is a challenge that may surprise you. My greatest challenge each and every Sunday is to avoid blaspheming God from this pulpit.
No, it's not that I'm lacking confidence in my theology. And it's not that I'm lacking confidence in interpreting the Scriptures. It's just that, each Sunday, I am keenly aware of the human tendency to worship a god that is smaller than the God revealed in the Bible.
A.W. Tozer is correct when he says that, 'What comes to our mind when we think about God is the most important thing about us'(Tozer, Knowledge Of The Holy , 1). Since what we believe about God is so vital, we must constantly be on guard against worshiping a god that is smaller than the biblical God. Worshiping a god that is smaller than the real God is the essence of idolatry--and it is a sin we are all guilty of.
Go ahead and picture God in your mind, right now. Try to imagine His holiness. Try to imagine His character. Try to imagine His infinitude. Guess what? You all, inevitably, just pictured a God that is too small. Our highest thoughts of God do not do justice to His greatness. That is why Paul is quick to confess, "How unsearchable are His judgments and unfathomable His ways! For who has known the mind of the Lord, or who became His counselor? "(Rom. 11:33, 34).
Your comments....
Raisin' The Hymn I
Via the expertise of my wonderful mother, "The SC Hour" welcomes the "Raisin The Hymn" section... Back in the day they used to have a section in the church service called "Raisin The Hymn", so it's only fitting that "The SC Hour" rock a section dedicated to hymns...
The first one I think works perfectly with our recent conversation on "The SC Hour" regarding how unbelievers and believers alike will mourn when Christ comes back. Like Richelle said in her last comment, "Zachariah 12:10 also implies that all people including the saints will mourn for "whom they pierced."
Check this hymn out....
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
Were you there when they nailed Him to the tree?
Were you there when they pierced Him in the side?
Were you there when the sun refused to shine?
Were you there when they laid Him in the tomb?
(were you there?) Oh!.... Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble, Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
The first one I think works perfectly with our recent conversation on "The SC Hour" regarding how unbelievers and believers alike will mourn when Christ comes back. Like Richelle said in her last comment, "Zachariah 12:10 also implies that all people including the saints will mourn for "whom they pierced."
Check this hymn out....
Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
Were you there when they nailed Him to the tree?
Were you there when they pierced Him in the side?
Were you there when the sun refused to shine?
Were you there when they laid Him in the tomb?
(were you there?) Oh!.... Sometimes it causes me to tremble, tremble, tremble, Were you there when they crucified my Lord?
Thursday, June 12, 2008
This week on The Solus Christus Hour!
What's Up,
I first just wanna give God the up most praise (even though my highest praise falls terribly short of what He deserves) for last night's "SC Hour." Yo the joy of the Lord is our strength. As we were talking about the glory of the Lord, Griff and Izzy made some comments that got me so excited because I was reminded of how glorious He is. This dude holds all the waters of the universe in the palm of His hand!!! Think about that!!! We're talking about His palm, not including His fingers and the rest of His hand!!! As Griff said yesterday, "what is He doing with His other hand?"
And then the ill analogy that Izzy hit us with regarding the Cherubims and how they have been seeing a different aspect of Jesus since the beginning of eternity... That's so major!!!
Post your comments about last night's SC Hour and let's continue to chop it up...
I first just wanna give God the up most praise (even though my highest praise falls terribly short of what He deserves) for last night's "SC Hour." Yo the joy of the Lord is our strength. As we were talking about the glory of the Lord, Griff and Izzy made some comments that got me so excited because I was reminded of how glorious He is. This dude holds all the waters of the universe in the palm of His hand!!! Think about that!!! We're talking about His palm, not including His fingers and the rest of His hand!!! As Griff said yesterday, "what is He doing with His other hand?"
And then the ill analogy that Izzy hit us with regarding the Cherubims and how they have been seeing a different aspect of Jesus since the beginning of eternity... That's so major!!!
Post your comments about last night's SC Hour and let's continue to chop it up...
Monday, June 9, 2008
Last week on The Solus Christus Hour!
My question is, who is mourning when the Son of Man appears?? And why are they mourning?
Even bigger than that, it's crazy how EVERYONE will see Him when He appears! No matter what you're doing, where you are, you WILL see him when He appears. You could be in New Jersey, I can be in Africa, someone else could be in England, and we'll all see the coming of the Son of Man!! How crazy is that!!! NOW THAT'S MY GOD!!!
Post your comments and let's chop it up...
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